Next Drawing Underway

Graham Jenkins ID: 1626 Posts: 162
13 Jun 2023 10:49 PM

We've been seeing this for more than a month!  What's happening at Charity Engine?  Is anybody actually there?

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
13 Jun 2023 11:51 PM

Hi Graham, it's still happening! Just took a bit longer than usual.

Winning numbers will be posted shortly.




Graham Jenkins ID: 1626 Posts: 162
12 Jul 2023 04:34 AM

And now another month has elapsed, and we have two (or more?) outstanding Drawings!

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
12 Jul 2023 04:45 AM

Hi Graham,

Previous draw was completed a month ago:

This one is about to start, please stand by...!

richard Walton ID: 8463361 Posts: 23
02 Sep 2023 05:36 PM

A newbee question related to the completed drawings and the start of new drawing- I know the drawing that I was part of when I started with CE, finished, and has been published for a while now. My dashboard page still shows as 100% completed for that drawing, and the stats I had for that drawing. Is this normal? When will that percent completion part indicate a new drawing has started with a new percent complete? 

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
02 Sep 2023 06:26 PM

Hi Richard,

Apologies, the gauge just hasn't been reset, sorting that now. It is constantly counting in the background though, nothing is ever missed. When it resets, it will already be quite far along to the next draw. Best of luck!

richard Walton ID: 8463361 Posts: 23
02 Sep 2023 09:15 PM

Thanks for the quick response. I thought it must be counting anyway. I just hadn't seen it mentioned yet, and it was my first drawing turnover. 

Graham Jenkins ID: 1626 Posts: 162
28 Nov 2023 06:56 AM

It's still an issue. No winners announced for September, October or November.

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
29 Nov 2023 08:28 AM

Hi Graham,

Draws are not monthly. They happen when the gauge hits 100%, every 80 days or so. Most recent winner was yesterday and, by coincidence, is Richard from this very thread!

Julian Best ID: 8510775 Posts: 3
06 Feb 2024 12:22 PM

I don't seem to have an ID number and my entries say pending?? 

Julian Best ID: 8510775 Posts: 3
02 Mar 2024 05:03 PM

Still unanswered... 

Matt ID: 44 Posts: 293
26 Mar 2024 09:52 PM

Thanks for the posts, and apologies for the delay in reply. There does seem to be an issue with prize draw credits for some users who joined recently, and we're looking into it.  Will post back with results as soon as available.

Tristan Olive ID: 22 Posts: 384
28 Mar 2024 11:07 PM

Julian, you should now see your entries. There was a disconnect in the stats system, so though points were accumulating, they weren't showing up as entries. Thanks for your patience as this problem was worked out.

Julian Best ID: 8510775 Posts: 3
29 Mar 2024 02:30 AM

Thanks for sorting guys. 

Graham Jenkins ID: 1626 Posts: 162
23 Jul 2024 03:06 AM

What's happened with the draw that occured on May 31?

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
25 Jul 2024 06:16 AM

Hi Graham,

The results have now been posted. It took a while to validate, and we have another double winner. Because of this, we are looking into how we might increase the chances for the smaller users, perhaps on some sliding scale of probability, as we'd like to see new winners more often than not - as no doubt would they.

Update on this to follow.