32 vs 64

DocH ID: 526372 Posts: 77
13 Apr 2020 06:00 AM

Quick question....seem to be getting quite a bit of 32bit work...any ideas as to why?

I realise that 64bit work takes more memory, but why would Anyone have WU's in the older 32bit format?

Is not 64bit quite a lot faster to crunch or am I missing something basic here.....

Thx in advance for the education!!!!


Matt ID: 44 Posts: 301
13 Apr 2020 02:31 PM

Most likely, that was Rosetta work: they distribute 32bit and 64bit apps, and the system auto-tests to see which is faster.  In many cases it doesn't seem to matter, so the system just runs 32bit.

(We also have some other customer tasks that run in 32bit mode, for a variety of reasons; but these are infrequent and fairly low volume.)

DocH ID: 526372 Posts: 77
17 Apr 2020 03:18 AM

Thanks Matt!!!