More Statistics

Patrick Spoerl ID: 4633 Posts: 6
10 May 2015 08:12 AM


Currently I only see my daily average and total points. I think it would be great if we could have some more stats e.g. daily WUs completed or total WUs. Also some more general stats - how many active clients there are or total daily productions of all participants. 

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 224
11 May 2015 11:17 PM

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the suggestions. Work Units vary in length / complexity depending on the task, so we use the BOINC credit system (points) to show actual amount of computing performed. Counting WUs can make people think their PC is doing more or less work than it actually is.

Total active clients; that's certainly doable. Will look into that! (For the record, ~100k daily active at the moment).

