Ce3.exe not working anymore

Marcel Aubron-Bülles ID: 16156 Posts: 17
31 Jan 2014 09:38 PM

I have had an error message pop up about every 1-2 mins for some time and I've had to remove CE from my Windows 7 Home Premium pc. The error message read (my translation, it was in German): Ce3.exe isn't running properly anymore/ isn't functioning properly anymore. There was nothing I could do to stop it popping up.

Removing the program did the trick; when I reinstalled CE the error message popped up almost immediately again.

Any suggestion? I'd like to use it but with that kind of stuff it's impossible.

Thanks for your help,


Best wishes,


Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
01 Feb 2014 02:00 PM

Hi Marcel,

Sorry to hear that. Try clicking View > Advanced View > Projects then click on 'Charity Engine' to highlight it, and then 'Reset Project' button on the left of the screen.

Marcel Aubron-Bülles ID: 16156 Posts: 17
01 Feb 2014 03:09 PM

Thanks for getting back to me about, Mark, appreciated!

I have now reinstalled CE and it has deleted the older projects (out of date), refreshed and loaded new projects. No issues so far but if they come up I'll try it with your workaround!

Marcel Aubron-Bülles ID: 16156 Posts: 17
01 Feb 2014 03:25 PM

Ha! Ce3.exe complained again but I did as you suggested - and it seems to be working :) Let's keep fingers crossed, shall we? I'd love to be able to support CE ...

Mark McA ID: 179 Posts: 225
03 Feb 2014 07:27 PM

Glad to hear it! If you do have any more trouble, please let us know. 



Maurin Saucedo ID: 21849 Posts: 1
24 Feb 2014 12:36 AM

Stephen Haigh ID: 2654 Posts: 4
24 Feb 2014 08:19 AM


I am having the same problems with charity engine and ce3.exe crashing. I have tryed to reset the charity engine project but still same problem....any ideas???

I have also reinstalled charity engine and reinstalled windows 7 64bit but still the same problem.

Also since the windows reinstall i have lost malaria project from charity engine.

Here is the crash details:-

Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

  Application Name: ce3.exe

  Application Version:

  Application Timestamp: 52570edd

  Fault Module Name: ce3.exe

  Fault Module Version:

  Fault Module Timestamp: 52570edd

  Exception Code: c0000094

  Exception Offset: 0001df59

  OS Version: 6.1.7601.

  Locale ID: 2057

  Additional Information 1: 0a9e

  Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

  Additional Information 3: 0a9e

  Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789