BOINC Client Software and Projects

Ong Chi Hang ID: 2686 Posts: 2
23 May 2012 05:27 AM

I have been running World Community Grid for many years and started to join Charity Engine this month.

Can I know is there what is the difference between the BOINC client from Charity Engine and from the official BOINC website?

Will there be any overlapping between the projects from WCG and CE?


Jonathan Brier ID: 159 Posts: 112
23 May 2012 11:39 AM

Charity Engine vs BOINC: Our Charity Engine client differs from the BOINC client in a few ways.

First our installer has some custom setup so new users who create an account and download the software from our website will automatically be attached to their account instead of having to manually add Charity Engine after installing like you have to with the BOINC install.  

Second the Charity Engine install is a branded version of BOINC and runs a few versions behind the latest BOINC to ensure stability and security with the featureset as well as provide a more streamlined user experience. We work closely with the BOINC developers to help improve the software for everyone.

Third there is a custom Charity Engine screensaver added to the Charity Engine version.

The World Community Grid (WCG) vs Charity Engine: There are a few differences on how we are designed versus how the WCG operates.  First and foremost Charity Engine has paid projects and fills in the extra idle power with research projects at no charge.  We do not host or run the research projects while World Community Grid is a platform for researchers to host and run projects through.  

It is possible that World Community Grid could be added as a research project set to help fill the idle time on Charity Engine.  Though right now there stands many technical differences between how WCG and a normal BOINC project are setup which make it difficult to add WCG as a backfill project at this time.  We have many other features that are taking priority in development which we think everyone will find useful, cool, and help really make Charity Engine live up to its name.

We have lots to do and cannot wait to share it with everyone!